Driving Safaris in the Serengeti in East Africa

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In addition to my scientific activities (age 26-27), I also drove safaris in Kenya and Tanzania across the vast savannahs and landscapes of the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Nakuru, and Lake Turkana. The parade of life and the seemingly endless herds of lions, giraffes, zebras, elephants, wildebeests, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles, and buffalos were everywhere. To this day, I vividly remember the hundreds of seasonally migrating zebras and wildebeests that did not make it to the next watering hole. This significantly influenced me and much of my psychology work as I thought of the interconnectedness of life and death and how often thoughts of mortality unconsciously influence our actions and thoughts.

In Africa  Rhinos, crocodiles and elephants  A collection of animals roaming scattered terrain

The connection between all creatures  Great and small Interconnectedness Like animals,  Humans were bound together Swept up in life, ashes scattered in death All things tied together.

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