Evacuation Wonders: What I wish to be burned away or give ‘fire’ to

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Evacuation orders were inching in. The cellphone text alerts gradually progressed from "Evacuation Advisory" to "Evacuation Mandatory." In between, there was enough time to consciously or unconsciously, wittingly or unwittingly contemplate the evacuation 'wonders,' considerations and choices:
The first set of questions were obvious:
Q: What do I take? — What is dear to my heart? A: Our dog & cats, cell phone, laptop, passport, etc. Q: What is OK to leave? A: The remainder of my physical possessions Q: What do I wish I could take but forego for lack of space in my car? A: Photo albums, some nostalgic old clothing, and a unique collection war propaganda.
The second set of questions were more complex:
Q: What did I wish the fire would burn away? A: I wished to toss into the fire my petty desires for comfort, my impatience, my attachment to being someone who changes the world, and my ego identification in my accomplishments. Then, also my huge collection of hard copy academic articles and books (so that my study could transform to a sacred meditation space). Q: What was the most ridiculously absurd thing I took with me? A: Alas, my attachments to my ego's accomplishments. I recognize that without an ego at all, one can't do much in life. So I suppose I needed my ego to navigate the evacuation journey! Q: What would I like for the fires to give energy to or fuel growth in? A: Many things! I would like to add energy to the fires of my desire to continue to learn and grow, to 'do good,' and to serve social justice. I'd like to fuel my passion to serve the greater good in psychological health through fighting the unnecessary dogmas of the therapy profession; and for my mission to challenge unexamined beliefs and myths. I'd like to energize my empathetic caring for family members, friends, colleagues and strangers in need; my capacity to focus on what gives me meaning and joy; and my ability to contemplate and meditate.
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