Living the dream
I am an at risk person for this virus. Compromised immune system and over 60. As such I've taken seriously the threatening side of the situation and have stayed home with my wife, dog, and cats.
The bulk of the experience so far has been overwhelmingly positive. We live in a beautiful place. I love to garden. I already work at home most of the time - now all the time.
My wife an I are enjoying our concentrated time together. We walk in the neighborhood. We're doing a lot more cooking and baking. We Facetime or Zoom with our children and our granddaughter and with friends and business associates.
On the other hand I miss physical interaction with my children and with my granddaughter. A hug. A kiss. I miss traveling but only sometimes.
Mostly I am enjoying the quiet and the seclusion and the concentrated time with my wife and with the place we live.