Reconnecting with The Cosmic Soul

From the archetypal astrological perspective, the Coronavirus comes with intense evolutionary pressures for the radical reconfiguration of all the world’s structures, on both collective and personal levels.

Our inner world of the psyche and the outer-external cosmos, are intricately connected through powerful archetypal energies, manifested by the planetary movements. The intense experience of Saturn-Pluto is one that shapes our character, and profoundly transforms the structures of societies, as well as our own psychological inner world. The Phoenix bird archetype rises up from the ashes, and by destroying all the things that don’t serve us anymore, it brings a new light-a new order, a new paradigm. We are all in an alchemical process that allows us to awake, transform, and shift to a new level of consciousness. It's a death-rebirth process, where we need to rely on our own inner power and redefine our ambitions, careers, and the way we look at our happiness.

This aspect also brings breakdowns, a need to face our shadows, and will take us into the dark night of our soul. But our souls have already signed up to be here under this planetary alignment. Bathing in these strong cosmic energies, we can find profound creative intelligence, we can choose our personal true meaning, so we can be reconnected with the whole Cosmic Soul, with the Anima Mundi.

We have all received a reminder to reconnect with our humanity. It may be frightening, but it is so powerful. Are you ready?


— Silvia Popa- AstroCoach & Business Consultant

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