Neuropsychology, The New Frontier

By Ofer Zur, Ph.D.


Neuropsychology is probably the fastest growing body of knowledge in psychology. This fascinating field brings back the focus of body-mind by exploring the intricate relationships between brain and behavior. To help clinicians get a sense of this important field we have just completed an introductory online course on Neuropsychology.

  • Clinical neuropsychology is the study of how brain functions relate to psychological processes.
  • Neuropsychology is the study of brain-behavior relationships.
  • A neuropsychologist seeks to gain an understanding of the relationship of brain to behavior.
  • A neuropsychologist will use assessment and evaluation to understand cognitive functioning such asmemory, attention, speech, intelligence and visual-perceptual abilities.
  • Cognitive neuropsychology is a branch of neuropsychology that studies the cognitive effects of brain injury or neurological illness.
  • A neuropsychologist will use neuropsychological testing as an objective tool to connect biological and behavioral functioning.
  • Neuropsychology provides the analysis of the effects of brain injury or disease and the processes by which people may recover from dysfunction.
  • The first level of a neuropsychological diagnostic hierarchy is to understand the organic vs. functional differences and begin to understand the essential ‘brain – mind’ distinction.