Psychotherapy & Consultation For Individuals, Couples and Families


With Focus On Health, Wellness And Meaningful Life Rather Than Pathology And Disease

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Teaching ~ ~ Consulting

This page introduces you to Dr. Zur’s Psychotherapy and Counseling Services and provides information and articles at the bottom on his philosophy of treatment and critique of psychotherapy & diagnosis. To find out more about Dr. Zur’s professional background, click here.

Dr. Zur, a licensed psychologist (CA license PSY10763), has been in practice since 1988 consulting with individuals, couples and families. He practices in his office in Sebastopol, CA and by phone and video conferencing, when appropriate. In addition to his private psychotherapy practice, Dr. Zur presents and lectures, is an author of four books, a prolific writer of dozens of articles as well as a forensic expert. His consulting and psychotherapy attend to issues of love, intimacy, infidelity & affairs, depression, anxiety, fear, conflict, anger, domestic violence, trauma, death, dying with dignity and end of life issues, loving, parenting, adolescents, teen violence, vocation & calling, chronic mental illness, chronic brain disorders, amicable divorce, victimization, community, etc.

Dr. Zur’s consulting and psychotherapy work focus on wellness and health rather than pathology and brokenness. Dr. Zur views illness and dis-ease as an opportunity to learn about ourselves, grow and heal. Accordingly, he emphasizes the importance of integrating body, mind and soul in the process of healing. In his practice Dr. Zur employs a vast array of approaches and techniques, including existential, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, developmental, psychodynamic, psycho-educational, and other approaches that may help in certain situations. Relying partly on Dr. Pelletiers work, our definition of health is:“Health is a life lived intentionally, morally, with acceptance of what is, with compassion, with personal meaning and connection to other people, and thoughtful attention to ones body-mind-spirit as well as to one’s community and the world.”

You can learn more about Dr. Zur’s ideas regarding psychotherapy, counseling, health and healing on his web page, Philosophy of Treatment, about his numerous professional accomplishments in his Curriculum Vita, and his attitudes and beliefs about health at his General Public page. Review Dr. Zur’s critique on rigid practices and self-serving beliefs among psychotherapists, overpathologizing of clients, and other concerns about psychotherapy and counseling.

To contact Dr. Zur, please see his Contact Page or call 707-922-6422.

Dr. Zur’s Publications