Supervision II

By Ofer Zur, Ph.D.


Our Effective and Ethical Supervision course (6 CE Credit Hours),
fulfills the Supervision Requirement.



On Supervision and Mentoring:

  • Some form of supervision, mentoring, or apprenticeship exists in most fields. Historically, it has been the elders who have provided training and guidance to those with less experience. Whether this mentoring is for the skilled craftsperson (Blacksmiths, Musicians, Jewelers, Carpenters) or professional (Financial Advisors, Psychotherapists, Physicians), this form of assistance enhances both the individual and the community at large. However, attention to the process of clinical supervision as a distinct area of inquiry is relatively new
  • Many movies depict different types of profound mentoring relationships. They include, Full proof monk, Seabiscuit, Star wars, The Guardian, Billy Elliot, Dead Poet Society, Harry Potter, Officer & Gentleman, Lord of the Rings, Zoro, The Emperor’s Club or The Last Samurai. (Future course on supervision will focus on mentoring relationships in the movies.)
  • Supervision is defined as the collaborative relationship that exists between a clinician of advanced education and experience and a clinician who is less experienced and often unlicensed.
  • Within the supervisory relationship, the senior, or supervising, clinician is responsible for the oversight, management, evaluation and clinical liability of the junior clinician, or trainee.
  • The primary goals for supervision are:
    1. To prepare the trainee to practice independently
    2. To advance the status of the trainee from Novice to Master
    3. To ensure the safety of the general public by performing consistent and comprehensive evaluation of the trainee
  • The Purpose of supervision is to provide the trainee with:
    – Education
    – Training in: Nature of the profession; Theoretical understanding; Research and how to evaluate it; Critical Thinking; and Enhancement of clinical skills
    – Corrections or revisions of any poor clinical habits, misconceptions, or therapeutic techniques
    – Professional skills: Networking, Marketing
    – Burnout prevention strategies
    – Ethical risk management strategies
    – Clinical “container” that limits risk for the consumers
    – Professional growth
  • Supervision increases comfort and confidence in the trainee
  • The process of supervision can enable the trainee to identify his/her strengths and weaknesses, as well as ways to perform optimally
  • As gatekeepers to the profession, it is imperative that the supervisory relationship be educational & evaluative
  • Unfortunately, it is very challenging to assess the effectiveness of clinical supervision!


This intermediate-advanced course on Clinical Supervision will teach clinicians to:

  • Identify optimal qualities and skills in both supervisor and supervisee
  • Select a personal style for supervision
  • Enhance creativity as a supervisor
  • Manage challenging people and situations in the supervision process
  • Demonstrate ethically-driven decision-making skills



We offer two related Supervision Courses:

Foundations of Clinical Supervision (6 CE Credit Hours)
Effective and Ethical Supervision in Psychotherapy and Counseling (6 CE Credit Hours)

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