Influential educator, psychologist, adventurer and critical thinker — Determinedly serving the general public and mental health field for over 40 years

Dr. Ofer Zur welcomes you to find out more about his ethical-consultation and forensic services, his teaching/presenting, his most popular articles, audios and videos, as well as stories and lessons from his life, his YouTube Channel and his initiative to explore therapeutic ethics in movies.

Rethinking Oct. 7, Gaza, Israel & Occupation

Get to know Dr. Zur

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Ofer Zur, Ph.D. is an experienced forensic consultant in mental health related issues. As noted in his Curriculum Vitae, he has been teaching Ethics at the graduate and post-graduate levels for over 25 years, and he has published extensively in the area of standard of care as it pertain to issues such as confidentiality, record keeping, scope of practice, diagnosis, treatment and the broad area of therapeutic boundaries. He has been consulting with psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, counselors and attorneys on issues of boundaries and the standard of care regarding licensing board complaints, personal injury and medical malpractice cases.
Find out more about Forensic-Consulting


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About Dr. Ofer Zur

Meaning, Justice, Oomph & Adventure
Ofer's Life Story

Dr. Ofer Zur is known as a zesty explorer. He approaches his professional, personal, and communal life with fearless relish and adventure.

His forward-charging philosophy and critical thinking have led him to break new grounds in psychology, and adventure fearlessly around the world. He launched into adulthood as a military officer & paratrooper in Israel, and went on to savor life as an oceanographer & deep sea diver, safari driver, sailor, aspiring anthropologist, psychologist, ethicist, family-community man, forensic expert, and critical thinker. In all these fields he has chosen the paths less travelled, in which he bravely crossed psychological, moral, and physical terrains.

Dr. Zur grew up in Israel, left Israel for moral reasons and has lived most of his life in California. His travels have taken him to visit, live, or spend some time, in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa, India, Russia, Jordan, Egypt, England, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Mongolia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Caribbeans, Fiji, Bahamas, and Panama (28 countries, so far). In pursuit of the ultimate physical/spiritual experiences, he summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, drove motorcycles with his sons in both the Himalayas, Gobi Desert, Mongolia and the Israeli desert, encountered piranhas in an Amazon River, scuba diving in the Red Sea, backpacked on the Alaskan glaciers, visited awesome Petra (Jordan), sailed in the Mediterranean, Red Sea, Atlantic, Pacific, South Pacific & Indian oceans, S.F. Bay, Panama Canal, Bahamas, and others.

He taught hundreds of seminars, workshops, and keynotes all over the US as well as in Russia, Israel, Mongolia & Singapore and on large cruises to Alaska & Caribbean.

His many near-death medical, military, and spiritual 'adventures' have taught him profound lessons. Beginning with being severely burned by a phosphorous grenade at age 10, being seconds away from being crushed to death by a rageful rock-throwing crowd surge of kids in a refugee camp, losing his calf in a ferocious battle in the 1973 war, diving the spectacular and deadly Blue Hole (AKA, 'Diver's Cemetery') in the Red Sea, braving the enormously challenging Gobi Desert in Mongolia on motorcycles (at age 74), going through a traumatic 'hysterical blindness' (conversion disorder) in Africa, experiencing a cardiac arrest (flat-lined) for 92 seconds, and the list goes on... As a lieutenant-paratrooper he has had his share of witnessing death and killing in battle.

He has braved injustices in the world employing fearless and controversial critical thinking, while 'politically incorrectly' critically examining the psychology of war, victimhood, love/intimacy, and relentlessly exploring dying with dignity.

Pictorial Bio

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