Favorite Articles, Videos and Audios Created By Dr. Ofer Zur

I have written hundreds of articles and produced numerous video and audio recordings on a variety of topics throughout my career available in my complete archive. This page features the topics that are most endeared to my heart and compose a significant part of my legacy.

Complete Archives

Audios, Videos & Podcasts

Dual Relationships

Risk of Risk Management, Myths & Faulty Beliefs in Psychology & Psychotherapy and Licensing Boards Protection

Dual Relationships

On Love, Marriage, Affairs, Sexuality & Domestic Violence


Dying Well Can Help You Live Well - Facing Death 'Head-On'


The Blessing in Trauma – On Post-Traumatic Growth


Re-Thinking ‘Don’t Blame the Victim' and Guilt


Love of Hating: Psychology of War & The Myth of the "Warrior & the Beautiful Soul"


Israel - On Leaving the Home-Land

Israel Gaza Boarder Visit | Delivering My Apology 2024 - YouTube
Israel | Gaza | Palestine 2023: Conflict & Proposed Resolution

Vocation-Calling, Health, Psychology in the Movies, Miscellaneous & Out-of-the-Box Ideas

Youtube Thumbnail - Occupation vs Vocation
Occupation vs Vocation: Find Your Calling