Site Map
For The Zur Institute, Inc., Website

Table Of Contents

Online Courses For CE Credit
Services by Dr. Zur
Discussions on LinkedIn
Private Practice Products Offered
Boundaries In Therapy Articles
Dual & Multiple Relationships In Therapy Articles
Digital Ethics/TeleMental Health Articles
Psychology of the Web, Online Gaming Articles
Private Practice Articles

HIPAA Articles & Resources
Clinical Articles & Resources
Ethics, Standard of Care, Retirement & Risk
   Management Articles
Psychology & Culture Articles
Codes of Ethics
Psychotherapy Practice Guidelines
About Ofer Zur, Ph.D. & Zur Institute
Clinical Updates


Online Courses For CE Credit

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Services by Dr. Zur

Discussions on LinkedIn

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Private Practice Products Offered

Boundaries In Therapy

Overview of Boundaries in Psychotherapy

Boundaries in Pschotherapy & Counseling

Bartering in Psychotherapy

Gifts in Psychotherapy

Home Office

Home-Based Therapy

Outside the Office Walls

Rural Practice & Boundaries

Psychotherapists’ Self-Disclosure

Touch in Psychotherapy & Counseling

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Dual & Multiple Relationships In Therapy

Dual & Multiple Relationships in Counseling

Dual Relationships and Boundaries

Facebook & Therapeutic Boundaries

Multiple Roles in Supervisory Relationships

Dual Roles in Rehab & AA Communities

Dual Roles in Religious & Spiritual Communities

Multiple Roles in Educational Institutions

Forensic Multiple Relationships

Multiple Relationships in Correctional Psychology

Dual Relationships in Police Psychology

Dual Relationships in the Military

Dual Relationships in Rural Practice

Multiple Relationships in Sport Psychology

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Digital Ethics/TeleMental Health

Clients’ Negative Posting

Digital Ethics

Practicing Across State Lines

E-Mail, Texting, EHR, Confidentiality & Computers

Facebook and Therapy

Mental Health Apps

TeleMental Health & E-Therapy

Therapists Googling Clients

Therapists’ Online Transparency

Videoconferencing in TeleMental Health

Psychology of the Web, Online Gaming, Digital Divide, Web Addiction

Digital Divide

Online Gaming & Internet Addiction

Psychology of the Web

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HIPAA Resources

Private Practice

Beware of Your Managed Care

Burnout & Self Care

Marketing a Practice Outside Managed Care

Fees and Insurance

Clients’ Feedback

Record Keeping

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Clinical Resources


Aging, Anti-Aging

Attachment Theory

BodyMind & Mindfulness

Clinical Resources


Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Conditions & Diagnostic Categories


Neuropsychology & Neurobiology


Psychopharmacology – Psychiatric Drugs

PTSD & Trauma


Therapeutic Orientations

Treatment Planning

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Ethics, Standard of Care, Retirement, & Risk Management


Ethical Decision-Making

Informed Consent

Licensing Boards

Power in Psychotherapy

Retirement & Professional Will

Risk Management

Standard of Care


Subsequent Therapist Syndrome

Surrogate Partner Therapy

Termination & Drop-Out

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Psychology & Culture

Cinema Therapy & Therapeutic Movies

Critique of Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Diagnosis

Critique of Attitudes to Dual Relations

Critique of Psychiatric Diagnosis & DSM-5

Critique of Use of Psychotropics

Rethinking the “Power-Differential” Myth

Additional Critique


Controversies in Psychology

Cultural Diversity

End of Life Issues

Love, Marriage, Infidelity, Divorce

On Love and Marriage

On Marital Infidelity & Marital Affairs

Psychology of Peace & War

Psychology of Victims


Spiritual, Religion & Psychotherapy

Technology, Speed and Soul

Teen Violence, Abuse, Cyberbullying


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Summary Of Codes Of Ethics

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Psychotherapy Practice Guidelines

About Ofer Zur, Ph.D. & Zur Institute

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Zur Institute’s Clinical Updates


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